Hello and welcome to my blog! I would like to say "thank you" for visiting me. If you will take notice of the list on the right side of the blog entitled "Diva Bloggers", it's some of the best blogs around. Also, please visit their personal sites as well. You'll find everything a Diva needs!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Current Specials!

Business is going great!
I have been updating my progress on the goals I set for myself each day. And It has moved right along all week!
I want to say thank you to everyone who has checked out my Mary Kay website. I really appreciate your time. I never realized how well my business was growing until I actually listed the key points down on paper. It seemed like it was slow going, but, really it has progressed alot since last year. This is great!!!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Gold Canyon Candles
If you love candles as much as I do, you should visit http://www.denicescandles.com/ Denise is a independent business owner for Gold Canyon Candles! On her site you'll find tons of great candles, beautiful home decor and body products! Even items for gift giving!
Denise and I have decided to do a Hostess Swap! She will host a Mary Kay catalog party for me and I am hosting a Gold Canyon Candles catalog party for her! What a great way for both of us to earn some credit towards items we both love!
My director said "just do it!" all the time. Everything she said usually ends with that phrase. I always thought to myself, well thats easy for her to say because she's a very straight to the point person. But I would always linger around, wasting time, and procrastinating!
Yesterday evening, around 5:30pm she called me from another consultant's home and said " I am challenging the two of you (myself and the other consultant) to book 5 appointments by 9pm". And I was thinking and saying the same thing as Cindy! How on earth did she want us to book 5 appointments in less than 4 hours when we were both having trouble getting them all week long? And once again her answer was "Just Do It!" She then hung up, without even saying goodbye. I guess she knew that would put the pressure on me... LOL (she always knows how to get me motivated)
I sat here for about 5 minutes thinking "I just KNOW Cindy will get hers done, so I gotta get moving because I don't want to feel like the lazy one". So I came up with a plan! I started at the top of my "non-regular customers" (the ones that don't order very regularly) and made my calls. I told them I wanted to run by on Wed. evening after my other job and let them try one of our new products really quick and to drop off a new copy of the catalog. Believe it or not out of the first 7 calls, 6 said yes and the other was a voicemail. Well of course I left the message saying I would go ahead and run by unless they called and said it would not be a good time for them. So, in 15 minutes, I had booked 6 definite appointments and 1 tenative one!
I was so excited that I called my director back and she said that the other consultant (whom has been with the company for 3 years and is doing very well) said "do you really think Kim will get 5 bookings tonight?" And my director's reply was "Yes, I know she will, so get busy!" So Cindy was very excited for me, but, nervous about calling from her list of names. But when I told her that I was done with the challenge and actually had an extra, she got into gear! She returned my call by 7pm and said she booked hers too!
So, both Cindy and I have learned a very valuable lesson: Just do it, may seem like a corny thing to say to someone, but when you put it into action, it really does pay off! That will be my new mantra for life!
Before last night, I was on my way out of business so to speak... my datebook was empty. After seeing how easy it really is to just call someone and ask if they would like to try something new or maybe book a class or party, I will definitly be making more phone calls. And as it would go, my Director has challenged both Cindy and Myself to get at least 5 new bookings and 5 new customer contacts every day this week! So it's off to work I go!
Kim Luxich
Mary Kay Beauty Consultant
*register as a new customer on my site with your name, mailing addy, and email to get a free sample and $5.00 gift certificate to use on my website! Refer a friend, get 10% off your next order. (just put your friend's name in the comment box on your order)
Monday, February 25, 2008
My goals and progress. Updated Daily!
Here are the goals and challenges I am currently working on and my progress:
*please note, these goals where set/started on February 15th
- 100 interview by June 15th 3 done
- 100 faces by April 30th 20 done
- 100 bookings by June 30th 14 done
- $2000 in sales by March 15th $943.00 done
- 8 new "active" recruits by June 15th 1 done
- 100 new registered customers by June 30th 10 done
Anyone who may be interested in helping can do so in the following ways:
- interviews: call interview hotline
- faces: have a facial or party for multiple faces
- bookings: host a class, party, online party or silent hostess sales
- sales $'s: place an order either through me personally or my website( www.marykay.com/kluxich )
- new recruits: you or someone you know, join my Mary Kay team and earn big bucks
- new customers: register at my website, it's free
I started my Mary Kay business on Feb. 3, 2007. I worked it pretty well, moving up to Team Leader (having 5 team members) by March 30, 2007 and went "on target" for my first career car! I was doing very well. But in order for you to maintain your career status and obtain the car, your recruits also must work as hard as you. After just 2 short months, they, for one reason or another, decided that Mary Kay was not right for them. I can totally understand that. There was no hard feelings. So, I went back down to just a consultant, and was just kind of tagging along. Not putting my all into it! By September, 2007, I had all but given up. Moving into our new house, my daughter being in and out of the hospital, my youngest son's learing disability and so on... was all I thought I could handle. So, I just quit selling for a while. After a few months of really missing what I loved to do, I decided "this is it"! I will make this happen. I always knew I wanted to be a Director and drive the famous Pink Caddie!
So, here I am today. A brand new Sr. Consultant (just added must 1st new recruit Friday) and I am ready to rock! I am determined to make this happen! My family is behind me 100% and nothing can stop me. Nothing at all! Unless God himself takes me before then and I'll probably be up there in heaven facialing the angels. I know in my heart that I have what it takes and I want this, not only for me, but for my family. One of my dreams is to become a National Sales Director so that my husband doesn't have to work anymore doing hard labor. My second dream is to buy each one of my 3 children their dream home and just hand them the keys to it with NO mortgages. Thats my motivation!